Monday, March 11, 2013

How We Tested Diaper Pails

How We Test

Let us tell you, testing diaper pails in an thorough, hands-on, manner is not a pretty process.

While we tested the products in normal use, we found that using the diaper pails one at a time did not provide us adequate information to give side-by-side ratings and comparison on the key metric of odor control. So we developed a torture test that sought to stress test all the products in an identical manner, at the same time, and allowed us to really compared performance side-by-side.

The Nasty Business of Sniff Tests
In order to test diaper pails on the critical metric of "odor control" we developed our own sniff test procedure. To do so, we dressed up in a style reminiscent of a Hazmat suit (see photo above). Here's the basic outline of the process:
  • Collect a large amount of fresh stinky poo-poo
  • Mix it up to assure that each pail is tested with a similar mix of "test material"
  • Divide the test material into equal weight portions
  • Place each pail's test material on the center of a small paper plate
  • Put the plate with test material in the pail, inside the manufacturer's recommended bags
  • Allow the pails to sit undisturbed at room temperature (we tried different time periods, 1 hour, 4 hours, 8 hours, and 24 hours, and found 4 hours allowed us the best opportunity to measure differences)
  • Perform sniff tests with the pail closed
  • Perform a diaper drop sniff test (opening the pail to insert a new dirty diaper inside)

We performed this sniff test three times, each time using a different source of "test material." 

Scoring was based on averaging the judges' assessment of odor control, comparing each diaper pail to the others. Each product was given a rating on odor control relative to the competition on a scale of 0-10, where 10 is best. 

Although these tests were admittedly subjective in nature in that they were based on the sniff test opinions of human judges rather than readings from a scientific measuring device, we feel they were fairly conducted across pails and provided us a reasonable way to test and compare each product's performance. 

In the end, we felt this testing process was successful as it allowed us to detect significant differences in each pail's ability to control odors.

The One Hand Rule Applies to Diaper Disposal
To test each pail on the metric of "Ease of Diaper Disposal" we used only one hand to insert a dirty diaper into the pail. One hand operation is key as there are many times where a parent needs to have baby in one arm, and dispose of the dirty diaper with the other.

Each product was given a rating from 0-10, with 10 being the easiest to use.

While we found that those diaper pails which include a foot pedal are moderately easier to use than those without, all of the diaper pails we reviewed could be operated with one hand without difficulty.

Ease of Changing the Bags
We also tested the difficulty in changing the bags, rated on a scale 0-10 with 10 being the easiest to change. Part of the scoring on the bag changing included whether you were subjected to a nasty stink as part of the bag change. 

Estimation of Total Cost of Ownership
We attempted to estimate the total cost of ownership for the diaper pails by calculating the approximate number of bag refills used assuming that 5,000 diapers are disposed of (our estimate of a single child's output over four years). The calculation factored in variance in size of diapers from newborn to later stage diapers (the diaper bags can hold more than 2x the number of newborn diapers as compared to later stage), and the approximate number of diapers in various sizes that will typically be used over four years. 

We used approximate street prices for diaper bag refill cost calculations, and also assumed "economy-minded" shopping habits such as buying the less expensive per refill multi-packs (such as the 3-refill pack available for the Diaper Genie). 

While we don't claim to be able to exactly predict your total cost of ownership (your mileage may vary), we do believe our estimates provide a reasonable basis for comparison.

 photo download2_zps249cd62a.jpeg

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