Monday, March 18, 2013

Review: Britax B-Agile Stroller

Britax is on a roll!  Their newest addition to their line of strollers is the B-Agile.  The B-Agile is a quick-fold, lightweight stroller stocked with features that is going to give the Baby Jogger City Mini a run for its money.  We’re going to be honest, the B-Agile is similar to the City Mini but has a few improved features that makes it even better.  Better than our beloved City Mini, you ask?  Yep, keep reading, my friend!

The B-Agile falls into our lightweight plus category, weighing in 16 ½ lbs.  The lightweight aluminum frame with the quality we have come to expect from Britax combined with the super easy fold, huge canopy, automatic lock and big roomy seat makes this a winner in our book.  
Britax B-Agile Stroller

The seat is wide and roomy, making for a comfortable ride even for an older child. The seat is very wide at 14″ across and has a 20″ seatback and a measurement of 25″ from seatback to canopy. With the large seat and high weight capacity of 55 lbs, your older kids could even jump in for a ride. The seat sports a fabulous, no re-thread, adjustable, 5-point, padded harness with head pad and reflective binding.  The height of the harness and head pad is so easy to adjust by just unzipping a zipper on the back of the seat and squeezing and sliding an adjuster button up and down to find the perfect fit for your child (similar to the B-Ready). It’s one of the easiest harness adjusters we have encountered! Plus, the head pad is a nice touch to keep your little rider extra comfortable. We also like that the belly pad that protects the child from the buckle is sewn to the seat fabric so that it doesn’t fall off every time we take our child out. The harness is also complete with a hard-to-do buckle.  While our toddlers could escape the City Mini in a jiffy, they are forced to stay seated in the B-Agile because they can’t undo the harness. The seat is deep and set back almost over the rear wheels to give this lightweight, 3-wheel stroller great stability.  This is not a tippy-kind of stroller!

The seat has a strap recline system that can be done with one hand to recline but you’ll need two hands to put the seat back upright.  We love that the seat has a deep recline (just short of flat) for our little ones to take a nap. When the seat is fully reclined, you can lift the back of the canopy fabric to expose a giant mesh window to allow air to flow through the seat.  

There is a non-adjustable footrest that is comfortable for our older toddlers with a measurement of 10” from seat to where they place their feet. 

The canopy on the B-Agile does not disappoint.  It is HUGE and will shade your child completely from the sun. No canopy extension needed on this baby! The canopy also features a large peek-a-boo window that allows you to keep an eye on your little rider.

For taller moms and dads, there is a high handle bar (it’s not adjustable though) that measures 40″ from ground to handlebar to prevent you from kicking the frame. While it isn’t the tallest handlebar on the market, taller parents will not be kicking the frame of this stroller.  There is additional stride clearance thanks to the curved bottom piece of the frame that connects the two rear wheels. 

Underneath there is a medium size basket that has convenient side access since getting into the basket from the rear may be difficult with a fully reclined seat.  There is also a large zippered pocket on the back of the canopy for additional storage.  

The B-Agile rolls on two 9 ½ inch wheels in the rear and a 5 ½” wheels in the front.  The front wheel is a swivel wheel that has the ability to lock straight to tackle a bit of all-terrain.  There is an all-wheel suspension system that absorbs some of the bumpier times to give your little rider a smooth ride. A one-step, flip-flop friendly, linked brake pedal also locks the stroller in place.

The maneuverability on this stroller is nothing short of fabulous. Very easy to push, turns on a dime and can be maneuvered one-handed as long as the seat isn’t at the weight capacity.  We put a 40 lb – 4 year old in the seat, and we were still able to push it one-handed with a little extra wrist power.  The B-Agile is not an all-terrain stroller but it can handle bumpy roads, cobblestone and playground mulch but it’ll be a little bit of a bumpy ride if you take it off-roading.  We would suggest locking the front wheel if you attempt to take it on grass or other all-terrain to make it an easier push. 

Now, the fold on the B-Agile is so easy that I was able to get my child out of the seat and fold it with one hand like a ninja when space was tight in church last weekend.  It was so quick and easy to do, that strangers literally commented on my stroller-folding skills.  The fold on the B-Agile is very, very similar to the City Mini except with the added push of a safety button.  All you have to do is push a grey button down on the side of the seat (it stays down so that you don’t have to hold it down).  Then pull up on the folding strap in the seat and the stroller folds flat. Very flat!  The button on the side is an extra safety step so that the stroller couldn’t be folded on accident.  Plus, what makes it better than the City Mini is that it has an automatic lock!  Yep, you heard us right – an AUTOMATIC lock!  Britax clearly wants to be our BFF!  This is a stroller that you can fold up while holding your child and put it in your trunk with one hand all in less than 10 seconds.  Nothing is more convenient than that!

With its folded dimensions of 22.75″W x 10″H x 29″D, this stroller is a compact package that is easy to transport and fits in the smallest trunks. Bring on the Mini Cooper because this baby will fit!   

If a travel system is your thing, the B-Agile succeeds in this area too!  The stroller comes with included Britax CLICK & Go infant car seat receivers to work with the Britax Chaperone or the new Britax B-Safe infant car seats.  The Britax adapters are very convenient and do not get in the way of the fold.  With the City Mini, the car seat adapter bar typically hits your arm when you are folding which is no fun.  This is not so with the B-Agile.  The adapters are not in the way at all.  Plus, if you want to use a different brand of infant car seat, there is a universal car seat adapter (sold separately) that accommodates a Graco 32/35, Chicco, Peg Perego or a Britax Companion.

There are many great accessories that are sold separately for the B-Agile to fit every parent’s needs including: child tray, adult cup holder, travel bag, rain cover and a UV/mosquito cover. 

The B-Agile will be available in black and red. Our only suggestion would be for Britax to offer the B-Agile in more fun colors.  How about a brown, blue, purple or green? 

If you are looking for a lightweight stroller that will have you folding it like a ninja with a huge canopy, a very large seat for your bigger kids, extra stride clearance for tall parents and the easy travel system capability, the Britax B-Agile is the stroller for you!!

To watch our full video review of the Britax B-Agile stroller, click the video below:

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